Saving an Evaluation Summary
When to Save a Summary
You will need to Save the Evaluation Summary:
If you want to Save any any edits made to the "Modify Classification", "Explain reason(s) for change", and/or "Evidence Summary" fields, OR
If you want the option of making a Provisional Interpretation based on the current evidence/evaluations.
While the system allows you to save the summary and make a provisional interpretation without an Evidence Summary, a summary statement is a required part of the curation process.
In Progress Status
The first time an Evaluation Summary is saved the status of the Interpretation will change to "In Progress". The Interpretation will remain "In Progress" until a summary is saved as Provisional.
Saving New Summaries
Every time the Save button is clicked in the Evaluation Summary, any previous summary is overwritten and the ‘Interpretation Last Edited’ is appended with a "New Saved Summary" label.
Last updated