Publishing an Approved Gene-Disease Record

Currently, publication of a gene-disease record requires that the disease is identified with a valid MONDO ID. Diseases described with a free-text term will encounter an error when attempting to publish the record to the website.

When your saved Approved record is ready to be published, click the Publish Summary button at the bottom of the Classification Summary page:

Clicking the Publish Summary button brings up the "Publish Classification" panel which allows you to select the reason(s) for publication. This information will be used designate the classification's version number on the ClinGen website.

If this is a new curation, please select "New Curation". This disables the other checkboxes as they are only applicable to previously published curations.

If this is a recuration, and/or you are publishing with a minor ("administrative") update, please select all relevant reasons.

After clicking the Preview Publish button above, you will be able to see the information (date, contributor, approver, additional comments etc.) before publishing (note: "Additional comments" are for internal use only and will not be published). Then, clicking the Publish button will publish the record to the ClinGen website.

If the MONDO disease ontology term for a published record needs to be updated or changed, the record first needs to be "unpublished" from the ClinGen website. See Editing the Disease Term of a Published Gene-Disease Record.

Last updated