Previewing Curated Evidence

At any time during curation, you can preview your curation progress in two ways. In the Curation Central panel, the "Preview Evidence Scored" button brings up a detailed list of all the currently scored and saved evidence in a new tab. The "View Classification Summary" button brings up the current classification matrix.

Neither of these summary displays can be edited directly. To make any changes, you have to return to the individual pieces of evidence entered during evidence collection. The "Preview Evidence Scored" tables contain links that lead directly to the entered data, where it can be edited.

Scored Evidence:

The Scored Evidence tables summarize the saved evidence together with the points given (both the default score and the score assigned by the curator). The evidence is sorted according to evidence types (Case Level, Case Level for segregation evidence when there is no associated proband, Case-Control, and Experimental). Evidence with a score status of “Score,” “Review,” or “Contradicts” is shown. Only those rows of evidence where the score status was set as “Score” are included in the calculation for the total points shown at the bottom of each evidence table.

The Scored Evidence tables will be shown in a new tab or window. There is a close button at both the top and the bottom of the page. Be sure to close the tab/window when you are finished, so you do not get confused the next time you generate a Scored Evidence table.

The text within the Label column (the leftmost column) provides a direct link to the curation interface for that evidence. The link will open a new tab where the evidence can be edited. This provides a simple way to correct errors and typos you may find. The table itself does not update automatically based on any corrections you make.

Classification Summary Matrix:

The Classification Summary matrix summarizes all saved evidence and the collated scores. It enables a quick overview and allows you to easily determine whether there is already sufficient evidence to reach the maximum total points in a given evidence category. The points recorded in the "Total Points" column reflect the evidence that has been entered so far; if the number of points exceed the maximum number of points that can be counted towards a classification from a particular evidence type, the "Points Counted" column will show the maximum total points rather than the sum of total points.

In the matrix shown below, the total points collected for variant evidence, 12.4, exceeds the maximum number of points that can be counted; thus, the "Points Counted" column shows only 12 points. The total points collected for genetic evidence overall, 13.5, also exceeds the number of points that can be counted, and thus only a total of 12 points are shown for "Genetic Evidence Total".

Below the Calculated Classification Matrix, a panel containing the summary classification for the Gene-Disease pair enables you to modify (if needed) and save the classification, which will enable moving the gene-disease record to Provisional status.

Evidence Summary:

Upon saving a Classification, you have the option of viewing the summary of the evidence for this Classification by clicking on the “Evidence Summary” button at the bottom of the page. This represents the evidence and any modifications that were just saved and contains both the Calculated Classification Matrix and the Scored Evidence tables.

The Evidence Summary will be shown in a new tab or window. There is a close button at both the top and the bottom of the page. Be sure to close the tab/window when you are finished, so you do not get confused the next time you generate an Evidence Summary.

Printing Summaries

You can print an Evidence Summary by using the "Print PDF" button in the footer following the evidence tables.

Recommended print settings:

  • Layout: Landscape

  • Scale: 50%

  • Margins: Minimum

  • Background graphics selected

Last updated