Publishing to the ERepo

Fully approved ClinGen VCEPs can publish their approved interpretations to the ERepo via the summary page.

Click the Publish to Evidence Repository button to open the "Publish Interpretation to the Evidence Repository" box.

You will be asked to select a reason, or reasons, for publishing the curation. This information will be used by the ERepo to designate the curation's version number.

If this is a new curation, please select "New Curation". This disables the other checkboxes as they are only applicable to previously published curations.

If this is a recuration, or you are publishing with a minor (administrative) update please select all relevant reasons.

Click the Preview Publish button to see a preview of the interpretation to be published.

Click the Publish button, and the data will automatically be published to the ERepo.

The summary page will update to reflect the published status, and the option to Unpublish from the ERepo will be available.

Last updated