Curation Central

Curation Central is the landing page for each Gene-Disease curation. It has three main components: a top panel that displays information about the gene-disease record; a section showing the current classifications and a list of variants currently associated with the record; and a data entry section.

The top panel will remain at the top of the page during curation; it has the following components:

A. First line of the header shows the selected Gene Symbol and Disease Term

B. Second line of the header shows the Mode of Inheritance. If an adjective was selected, it will appear in parentheses

C. Link to Curation Central home – available from all pages

D. Link to the Disease edit tool

E. Link to a table to preview the currently scored evidence (opens in new tab)

F. View Classification Summary shows the classification matrix with the current scores – available from all pages

G. Gene symbol and links to the HGNC and NCBI Gene web pages

H. Disease name and links to MONDO and OMIM pages (if available; add a link to OMIM using the "Add+" link)

I. The name of the curator who first created the Gene-Disease record, the Affiliation under which the record was created, and the time when the record was first saved; followed by a list of all participants who have made edits to the Gene-Disease record and the curator name and timestamp for the most recently saved edits to the Gene-Disease record

The central panels show current classifications as well as all variants that have already been added to the curation. The "My classification" section reflects work within the Affiliation, while "Other classifications" show work outside the current Affiliation.

The bottom panel is the curation panel, where you can begin to add evidence, starting with adding PubMed articles.

Last updated