
What is an Affiliation?

An Affiliation is any set of people collectively curating together. This includes ClinGen groups (e.g. ClinGen Working Groups, ClinGen Expert Panels, Research Labs, Clinical Labs, etc.) and non-ClinGen groups. Once logged into an affiliation all curators can collectively:

  1. Edit and score/evaluate evidence

  2. Work on the same classification/interpretation

  3. Approve the same classification/interpretation

Select and Change Affiliation

If a user is a member of at least one Affiliation, after logging in they can select any affiliation they are a member of to curate in, in which case all actions they take will be attributed to the selected Affiliation.

The current affiliation is always displayed in the dark blue Affiliation Bar; this is also where you can change affiliations. Note that the user's name is only displayed while not associated with an affiliation.

From the Dashboard:

If an affiliation was just added, it may not appear in the dropdown menu. To update the affiliation list, log out of the interface and then log back in. If an affiliation is still missing, please contact your Coordinator.

From within the VCI or GCI:

Affiliation Management

Setting up an Affiliation

ClinGen expert panels will have an affiliation set up in the interfaces after Step 1 approval. We also support non-ClinGen affiliations in the VCI for any group who wish to curate together. To request a new affiliation, please email the helpdesk at, and provide the following information:

  • Name of the Affiliation

  • Name and email address of the Coordinator

  • A list of currently registered users to be added to the affiliation (first name, last name, email address).

Managing an Affiliation

All management of the Affiliation should be done by the Coordinator, including:

  • Making sure all members are registered to use the interfaces

  • Making sure all members are trained in the test interface before entering data into the production database

  • Making sure all information about the Affiliation is up-to-date

Updating an Affiliation

To request updates, such as adding/removing remembers or changing the Affiliation name, the Coordinator should email the helpdesk at

Last updated