About the Curation Interfaces

ClinGen has two distinct curation interfaces, the Test Site and the Production Site.

The two sites have the same functionality, but there are important differences.


Training and practice curation

Real curation

Data erased annually

Data saved permanently

Data is not publishable

Approved curations can be published

Please note that registration for the two sites is separate, so users wishing to use both sites must register for both sites.

The Test Interface

The test site (also called the demo site) is intended as a resource for new curators and others wishing to familiarize themselves with the interfaces. All data is periodically deleted, and as such, this site should NOT be used for "real" curation.

A pink banner with next deletion date is always displayed at the top of the test interface.

The Production Interface

Data entered into the production interface is permanently saved, so this interface should only be used for “real” curation.

We recommend curators become familiar with the curation interfaces by exploring the test versions before curating “real” evidence in the production interfaces. Data entered into the test interfaces is erased annually, so do NOT enter any data you wish to be permanently saved.

Last updated