A Summary Classification can be saved at any time during the curation process. To be able to save, first select the "View Classification Summary" button in the top panel of the gene-disease curation record.
The summary classification panel appears below the Classification Matrix and allows you to save the current clinical validity classification. In the panel, you can also select whether the evidence for a strong classification has been replicated over time (required for a "Definitive" classification). A free-text evidence summary must be provided before saving.
By default, the Clinical Validity Classification value calculated from the scored evidence will be saved. This value can be manually modified; to do so, select the chosen clinical validity term from the drop-down menu. If a modification is made, an explanation in the "Explain Reason(s) for Change" field is required.
A free-text summary of the gene curation evidence must be entered in the “Evidence Summary” box; this summary will be displayed on the website when the final clinical validity classification is published. Specific guidance and a sample Evidence Summary text is provided here. The Evidence Summary text can be entered and formatted using the edit tool on the left hand side, and the right hand side panel will automatically show how the formatted text will be displayed on the website when it is published.
Clicking the “Save” button at the bottom of the Calculated Classification Matrix box will save the Classification.
Saving a Classification at this step is not marking it as Provisional or Approved, but will bring up the option to save it as Provisional.
Upon saving, the contents of the panel will be updated to reflect the saved options, including a time stamp for the saving operation. Buttons that link back to the Record Curation page (Curation Central), to re-edit the Summary Classification, or to view the current Evidence Summary (which opens in a new tab or window) are provided.
With every visit to the "View Classification Summary" page, the three editable fields in the panel are available to be edited and saved again (i.e. you may update the modification based on any new Calculated Classification, update the "Reason(s) for Change" text, and/or update the evidence summary text).
If the final classification of a GDM is "No Known Disease Relationship", the calculated classification was not modified, and only animal models were counted towards the experimental evidence, an "Animal Model Only" tag is displayed.
If the new calculated Total Points now suggest a Calculated Classification that is the same as a modified classification saved on the last visit, the modified classification will be reset to “No Modification”, and a red warning message will be displayed to explain this. If the Summary Classification has been saved previously, the tag will appear in the "My classification" section of the GDM dashboard.