SOP Section 9.5
When working in the Add Evidence Details window, if you click outside the window before clicking Submit, the window will close and unsaved data will be lost.
The evidence source is indicated in the first line.
Details entered in the "Add [Source] Evidence" selection screen do not appear.
All ACMG criteria codes in the Case/Segregation tab have associated fields.
"#" fields accept numerical input only
For PP4, HPO terms only
Fields relevant to the specific criteria code will be noted with a green background.
There are optional free text "Comment" fields associated with each data point, as well as an "Additional Comments" field at the end.
For assistance using HPO Search, see HPO Search Help
SOP Section 9.5
Do NOT enter protected health information (PHI) in the VCI
(See yellow box at top of VCI Case/Segregation Tab)
A. If no curated evidence has been associated with this variant, the ACMG criteria codes for evaluation immediately follow the yellow box. Curated Evidence may be associated with the following individual and pairs of criteria (from top to bottom): BS2, PS4, BS4/PP1, PM6/PS2, BP2/PM3, BP5, and PP4.
B. If curated evidence has been added (to the current interpretation or a prior one), a table summarizing all entered evidence will appear before the criteria codes. This table will auto populate with any new submitted evidence.
Scroll down or select a criterion from the Criteria Bar.
Evaluation of criteria may be completed before or after adding Curated Evidence.
Before adding evidence, you must select an evidence source.
Choose an option from the "Select Source" pulldown
Available fields vary based on the source:
The first field is required (indicated with *). Additional fields are optional.
Click to open the Add [Source] Evidence selection screen.
After filling in field(s), click to open the Add Evidence Details selection screen.