We recommend curators become familiar with the interface by exploring the test interface before curating “real” evidence into the production interface.
We have two sites, the production site at https://curation.clinicalgenome.org/ and the test site at https://curation-test.clinicalgenome.org/.
Each site requires its own registration (i.e. registering for one site does not create an account for the other).
The email address you register with will be your username.
Username and Password are both case-sensitive.
This means that if you register as "User@email.com", you will NOT be able to log in as "user@email.com" or as "USER@EMAIL.COM"
Click Login in the upper right corner.
Click Create Account in the sign-in screen.
Fill out the form and click Create Account to submit the request.
Retrieve the code from your email and use that to authenticate your email address. You will also be asked to agree to the site's Terms of Use.
The test site will automatically add you as a curator.
For the production site you must be validated by an admin to finalize access. This may take a few days and you will be emailed when it's completed. Email us at clingen-helpdesk@lists.stanford.edu to expedite the process.
If you are a part of a curation affiliation, please follow the above steps and also ask your coordinator to arrange for you to be added to the affiliation. The ClinGen Variant Curation Interface is available for public use. The ClinGen Gene Curation Interface is restricted to use by ClinGen curators. If you would like to collaborate on gene curation, please contact ClinGen at clingen@clinicalgenome.org.