Disease terms cannot be changed on published gene-disease records so it must be unpublished first. Select the "Unpublish Summary" link in the "Saved Provisional and Approved Classification(s)" panel.
A new panel will appear above the "Saved Provisional and Approved Classification(s)" panel
You can now return to Curation Central for the gene-disease record, and the "Disease" edit button in the header will be active and allow you to select a new disease term.
After you've selected a new disease term and are ready to republish the classification, select "Administrative Update: Disease Name Update."
An label will now appear in the "Saved Provisional and Approved Classification(s)" panel.
Click the “View Classification Summary” button in the GCI:
Click the "Edit Published Summary" button:
Make select edits in the "Edit Published Summary" selection panel that opens after clicking the "Edit Published Summary" button:
Fields that can be edited are in white:
Approval Review Date
Secondary Contributor(s)
Secondary Approver
Evidence Summary (click on the pencil icon to edit evidence summary text)
Fields cannot be edited are greyed out:
Date Initially Published
New Publish Date (this auto-updates upon saving)
Curation Reason (admin updates are only permissible curation reason)
Publish Submitter name (this auto-updates upon saving)
Note: Users must check the confirmation box in order to save and re-publish their edits to the ClinGen website.
Clicking the Save & Republish button saves and re-publishes the summary and closes the modal and returns the user to the prior page, now updated:
After clicking the Save & Republish button, the Approved Section retains the following:
Name of the original submitter who entered the classification
Original date saved as approved
After clicking the Save & Republish button, the Published Section shows the following:
Name of the person who edited the published summary
The date/time of their edits were saved and republished
If more than one edit has been made in the history of the record, the name of the most recent editor is displayed
The curation reason will always be Administrative Update: Error and/or Clarification
5. To view all prior edits:
Click on the "View Published Edits History" link
This will take you to a new tab with a side by side comparison of the current Published Summary and its previous version.
The new tab that opens after clicking the View Published Edits History link includes a before/after comparison of the Published Summary. Before fields (left) are in grey, after fields (right) are in blue. History is sorted in reverse order, with most recent edits at the top of the tab. Any text that was removed from the prior evidence summary is highlighted in red on the before side of the Published Summary. Any text added to the re-published evidence summary is highlighted in green on the after side of the Published Summary.
Note: before and after contents of other fields in Published Summary are not highlighted, but are viewable (contributor, approver, etc)
In the event that text gets replaced between publish events, both before and after evidence summaries will highlight the impacted text (e.g., punctuation, capitalization or word changes).
This before/after view is available for every edit made to the Published Summary.
Changes to the published summary will result in minor incremental version changes to the curation record, and will be published to the website.
Publishing an approved gene-disease record will make it available on the public ClinGen website. It will then appear with the label.
Currently, publication of a gene-disease record requires that the disease is identified with a valid MONDO ID. Diseases described with a free-text term will encounter an error when attempting to publish the record to the website.
When your saved Approved record is ready to be published, click the Publish Summary button at the bottom of the Classification Summary page:
Clicking the Publish Summary button brings up the "Publish Classification" panel which allows you to select the reason(s) for publication. This information will be used designate the classification's version number on the ClinGen website.
If this is a new curation, please select "New Curation". This disables the other checkboxes as they are only applicable to previously published curations.
If this is a recuration, and/or you are publishing with a minor ("administrative") update, please select all relevant reasons.
After clicking the Preview Publish button above, you will be able to see the information (date, contributor, approver, additional comments etc.) before publishing (note: "Additional comments" are for internal use only and will not be published). Then, clicking the Publish button will publish the record to the ClinGen website.
If the MONDO disease ontology term for a published record needs to be updated or changed, the record first needs to be "unpublished" from the ClinGen website. See Editing the Disease Term of a Published Gene-Disease Record.
Roll your cursor over the for details about each option.
After publishing the gene-disease record by clicking the Publish button above, the "Saved Provisional and Approved Classification(s)" panel below shows all saved classifications for the gene-disease record; the newly published approved classification will be marked with the icon within the approved record.
Below the Curation Central header panel, the central panel will now show the label together with the classification.