Protein interaction evidence should be entered if experimental evidence shows that the gene product interacts with proteins previously implicated in the disease of interest.
The required fields for protein interactions are:
Experiment name is a free-text field; please choose a descriptive name for the experiment.
Interacting gene(s) requires entry of a valid HGNC gene name.
Interaction Type presents a dropdown menu of four options: physical association, genetic interaction, negative genetic interaction, positive genetic interaction.
Method by which interaction detected presents a dropdown menu of nine different experimental methods.
If the interacting protein has previously been implicated in the disease, check the box next to the corresponding text. Please note that if there is no such evidence, the protein interaction evidence can not be scored.
Finally, select whether the experimental evidence should be scored, brought up for review by the GCEP, or contradicts the gene-disease association.
Remember to click the "Save" button at the bottom of the page. If you click "Cancel" or navigate away from the page without saving, all entered data will be lost.